Wikiheels Lesson 2: Terminology

This blog is all about lady’s feet and high heels. These are my passion as long as I can think back. Originally I intended to compose and illustrate my blog in german language but since I experienced lots of clicks from abroad I decided to publish my entries in english language as well – from time to time at least.

A couple of weeks ago I also announced  a section within my blog called „Wikiheels“. Pictures and visualization are a crucial part of Wikiheels so that readers can enjoy both entertainment by nice subject-related pictures as well as some explanations that underline a rudimentary academic approach of the blog.

Wikiheels lesson 2 includes clarifications of terminology related to the main subject of this blog. It is essential that my readers exactly understand my message. There are technical terms on the one hand and those related to the anatomy of a female foot on the other. Both are being used within this blog on a more or less regular base.

The attached graphic picture offers this common understanding to my readers – next to the appearance of beautiful female feet in sexy strappy high heeled sandals.

Wikiheels Lesson 2 - Terminology

It is self-evident that the author will consistently follow the above terminologies throughout his blog. The arrows indicate the meaning of anatomic (dark red arrows) and technical terms (black arrows). German language terms are exposed in standard font, english language terms in italics.

Your comments are very welcome. Enjoy reading.